Return to San Diego Comic-Con!
It's been a while, but I'll be back at San Diego Comic-Con this year for signings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Schedule below! FRIDAY 10-11 AM signing at Chronicle Books, booth #1506FRIDAY 130-3 PM signing at Autograph Area 10FRIDAY 4-5 PM sketching for donations...

Things to Watch!
It's been a long year with the pandemic, and today my minute long short film reflecting on the experience is part of the 100 Films project put together by Pirooz Kalayeh for the Johann Jacobs Museum. My film heavily features my cat. I also drew an original piece to be...

Montessori Poster Collaboration
My son Oscar's teacher invited us to collaborate on a poster - I drew the design, Oscar colored it, and his teacher printed it. We helped him wrap up the last color before signing. It's an edition of 30, available now!

Socks For Bookstores
I drew cats for these socks from Libro.fm - Libro.fm lets you support your local independent bookstore when you're buying your audiobooks, and proceeds from these socks will go to the Book Industry Charitable Foundation, the non-profit organization that helps...

The Super Villain Guide to Healthy Living (Pandemic Appendix)

If you're not busy watching football this Thursday - or alternatively, if you like to watch football but mute the commentators and listen to completely unrelated podcast material - consider checking out my interview on the Dadwell podcast. You can also sync it up to...

Rey and Pals countdown and more!
Just one more week until Rey and Pals comes out, and you can read a little bit about the process behind making the book on io9. Meanwhile, my picture book My Teacher Is A Robot came out back in June, basically right after school was out - but school is about to start...
San Diego Comic Con!
I would make a fancier post but I've got to get on a plane! I'll be at San Diego Comic Con this weekend:THURSDAY: 5-6PM Chronicle Booth #1506FRIDAY: 1230-130PM Autograph Area #253-4PM Offsite - San Diego Central Library "Science and History in...

My Teacher Is A Robot
Today is the day my new picture book comes out! If you're in the Chicago area, I'll be at The Book Stall in Winnetka this afternoon. And Saturday, I'll be at the Crystal Lake Barnes & Noble. I actually started working on this book almost five years ago, so it's...

Star Wars Celebration
This weekend is Star Wars Celebration at McCormick Place here in Chicago! I'll be there signing both Friday and Saturday from 12-12:30PM at booth #3835 (Please note, book purchase is required). I'll also be at the Lucasfilm Publishing Panel at 4:45PM Friday, at the...

This Sunday I'll be at C2E2 here in Chicago! At noon I'll be participating in the OMG Middle Grade Books panel, followed by a signing in the autograph area. Until then, I'll actually be working on my next middle grade book...

Research and Inspiration
Here's a few bits of research and inspiration for my Lucy & Andy Neanderthal series. The Geno 2.0 box is from National Geographic's Genographic project, which I used to learn that I have 2.2% Neanderthal DNA. The Neanderthals...
Recent and Upcoming releases
July 2: Batman and Robin and Howard: Summer Breakdown Part One
August 6: Batman and Robin and Howard Summer Breakdown Part Two
September 3: Batman and Robin and Howard Summer Breakdown Part Three
September 3: Batman and Robin and Howard Summer Breakdown Collection
October 15: Kids Are Still Weird